
Snaffero SpegniToscano | Ideal for Toscano Cigars |

Handling Toscano cigars can be challenging when you need to extinguish them for practical reasons, such as entering a vehicle or a smoke-free area. The Snaffero SpegniToscano, available at, is the perfect solution to these issues, ensuring a seamless smoking experience.

Common Issues: When extinguishing a Toscano cigar using rudimentary methods, the outer leaf can be damaged, leading to flare-ups and sparks upon relighting, which can ruin clothes and seating.

Perfect Solution: The Snaffero SpegniToscano addresses these problems efficiently. To extinguish the cigar, simply shake off the ash and place the cigar, with the ember facing down, into the SpegniToscano, then close the airtight lid. This process ensures that the cigar extinguishes without smoke or odor, maintaining its quality.

Relighting Without Problems: When you want to resume smoking, remove the airtight lid, and the cigar will be pushed out automatically, regardless of its remaining length. Since the cigar was not damaged during extinguishing, it will relight without sparks or flare-ups, preserving your clothing and seating.

Maintenance: To ensure optimal functioning and longevity of the SpegniToscano, it is recommended to replace the Anti-condensation Capsule when its color changes from white to dark brown.

Conclusion: Choose the Snaffero SpegniToscano from for a hassle-free smoking experience and ideal storage for your Toscano cigars. Take advantage of our offer and buy your high-quality cigar extinguisher now!

6 x Snaffero Silicagel exchange filter
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Shut cigar Snaffero removable - Blue
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Earn 1 point each €1.00
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1 Review from customers
Shut cigar Snaffero - Dark Grey
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Earn 1 point each €1.00
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1 Review from customers
Shut cigar Snaffero - Grey
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Earn 1 point each €1.00
Immediately available
1 Review from customers
Shut cigar Snaffero - red
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Earn 1 point each €1.00
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1 Review from customers
Shut cigar Snaffero - black
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Earn 1 point each €1.00
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1 Review from customers
Shut cigar Snaffero - dark green
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Earn 1 point each €1.00
Immediately available
2 Reviews from customers
Shut cigar Snaffero - Brown
(Taxes excluded)
Earn 1 point each €1.00
Immediately available
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